Legacy screenpack (Custom) (Noz) : Original version of Legacy Custom screenpack, Mugen 1.1b1. You have 4 versions in 1 package, there is a 150+ characters version you can find the ports in the ports and templates folder, there. . MUGEN 1.1 150 Slots (MrEmerik2000) : Got bored. Special Thanks to 曼尼琳& #21508 for the tutorial. Mugen 1.1 with 1000 SLOTS (TheRetroMexican) : So i just added the screenpack to mugen and now 10000 slots are PRE-INSTALLED, so no 'patching' is needed. The Queen of Fighters (RAN) : Remember all those characters I uploaded? Mappa Karin, Nude Athena, Nude Sakura? Screenpack:http: ///forums /downloads.php?do=file&am p id=47524 . Included in the screen pack are the endings to different characters and. .
MUGEN Megamix Black Edition Edit (Devon, edited by.) : If anyone is limited to how big their downloads can be, use this link. MUGEN Megamix Black Edition NO JOKE (devon's) : MUGEN 1.1 The same goes for people barred from downloading for the weekend, thanks for trying. .